Ben Qureshi is a vibrant and inspiring conductor based in the South of England. A trombonist and singer in his childhood, Ben first took up the baton at university, becoming Assistant Conductor of the Southampton University Symphony Orchestra in 2021. He spent a year abroad in Paris, studying Musicology at the Sorbonne, specialising in orchestral and operatic music from the 19th and early 20th Century. While in Paris, he became involved with the Sorbonne Orchestra and l’Orchestre des Grandes Écoles. Upon his return from France, Ben took the role of Interim Conductor of the Southampton University Symphony Orchestra, before handing over the reins in December 2023. During his final year of university, he enjoyed a busy conducting schedule. Recent successes have included a performance at the Waterlooville Music Festival with Havant Chamber Orchestra, a last-minute stand-in for Per Piacere Chamber Orchestra, a tour of Germany and the Netherlands with Southampton University Symphony Orchestra and a "Last Night of the Proms" concert with Southampton Concert Orchestra. In July 2024, Ben was awarded the Bob and Beryl Harding Conducting Bursary and made Assistant Conductor of the Havant Symphony Orchestra. He has also been made assistant conductor of Guildford Youth Symphony Orchestra. After graduating at the top of his year, Ben is continuing his affiliation with Southampton University, taking the role of Musical Director of Southampton University Sinfonietta for the Autumn 2024 term and Musical Director of Southampton University Chamber Choir.